6th Asian Nuclear Power Briefing – Tokyo

event description

Turner Harris will be chairing a panel at this year’s Annual Nuclear Power Briefing in Tokyo, Japan.

The annual nuclear power briefings bring together key stakeholders, regulators, government, EPCs, financial institutions and vendors to discuss openly and candidly about the future of nuclear power as a key element in the energy mix of the future.

The 2018 Briefing will continue to take a pragmatic view of where the current global nuclear power industry stands and the way forward, it will address the opportunities available and the challenges faced in nuclear new build, finance options, commercialising SMRs and technological innovation, safety, security, climate change and decommissioning.

Our CEO, James Harris, will be chairing a panel of nuclear experts from around the world on the theme of financing for new nuclear construction projects.

James Harris, our CEO writes;

“The Asia Nuclear Power Briefing provides an important forum for regional stakeholders to discuss the pressing issues at the heart of the industry. Asia is undergoing significant shifts its energy demand as a result of growth and this has created conversation not only in the area of how government policy keeps pace, but also on the public credibility of nuclear power as a sustainable, clean power source. I look forward to discussing these matters and others at the event.” 

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

event program
  • 13th February 2018
    Time TBA James Harris, CEO, Turner Harris
    Chair – Finance panel
our speakers

James Harris
Chair – Nuclear finance panel

past event
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